Global Standards

for Customer Experience

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The Global Standards for CX Excellence have been developed to raise the overall quality of customer experience practices across all industries and geographies, in order to enrich the lives of customers and to provide the best in customer experience support to our members, clients and customers.

They are based on the CX Advance Framework℠, developed by Bain & Company with contribution from some of the world’s leading brands in Customer Experience thought
leadership, advisory and product development. 

Download your copy of the CX Standards today and discover:

  1. Proven Strategies for Superior Customer Experience: Unlock best-in-class practices to elevate customer satisfaction and loyalty across all industries and geographies.

  2. Expert-Backed CX Framework: Leverage the CX Advance Framework℠, developed by Bain & Company, ensuring your customer experience initiatives are grounded in expertise and industry leadership.

  3. Actionable Insights and Comprehensive Support: Gain access to detailed guidelines and tools designed to help you consistently deliver exceptional customer experiences, enriching the lives of your customers and enhancing service quality.

We recently held a consultation period during which CX experts had the opportunity to provide insights and feedback on the Standards ahead of the official launch in October.


Download the 2024 Global Standards for Customer Experience 

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